Children And Chiropractic Cumming GA

Children And Chiropractic Care

chiropractic for kids Cumming GA

Chiropractic deals with the vital relationship between the nervous system and the spine. The dysfunction in the spine joints and the spine itself can cause dysfunction of the nervous system. Due to the nervous system coordinates and controls all the body systems, the malfunction of the backbone have many effects on the health of a body. Today, many parents are seeking for their children and chiropractic care. In fact, most of the spinal problems that adults experience started as early as birth. Chiropractors, therefore, are equipped with the necessary skills needed in evaluating and adjusting to this issue.

Children and Chiropractic

Many children encounter physical stresses as they grow up. Admittedly, the problems that result in the spine of a child can occur at any stage of his or her growth and development.

One of the earliest challenges that a growing spine faces is the forced position in-utero. Such positions that can even cause problem during women labor include breech, brow, posterior, transverse, and ascynclitic, among others. For the avoidance of risks, every individual should know that the stated fetal positions can also result in problems in the spine of a baby.

Furthermore, natural birth methods can also cause damages to the infant’s nervous system and the spine. To mention but a few, other causes of the spine and nervous system problems are interventions like vonteuse suction, induction, cesarean section or forceps. Eventually, these amounts to traumas and compromises the well-being and future health of an infant.

The major reason for several child health complaints like reflux, colic, allergic reactions, sleep disturbances, chronic infections and breastfeeding difficulties, resulted from the irritation of the nervous system. The irritations are caused by cranial and spinal mis-alignments.

Every parent should take his or her baby for spine check-ups; more so, during the developmental stages such as sitting upright, learning to hold up the head, crawling and walking. These sensitive activities are affected by the alignment of the spine and a baby should be checked by a competent chiropractor. Besides, other causes of physical stresses to a growing spine and the nervous system of baby include playground bumps, fall, heavy school bags and sports injuries.

Responsibilities Of A Chiropractor

When an infant is taken for a check-up, a chiropractor will have to ask for a thorough history of the health of a baby and complaints if any. After that, he or she will do a full physical examination on the spine of the baby. The chiropractic professional will then use specific skills to locate and adjust any difficulty in the spinal areas and cranium. Spinal modifications for young children and infants involve applying light pressure using a fingertip to put in order any spinal mis-alignments.

Children And Chiropratic



10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288