Chiropractic: The Answer To Whiplash

Whiplash And Auto Accidents

whiplash injury in Cumming GA

In many auto accident patients, whiplash is a common condition that results. So many people have fallen victims to this condition after they were involved in vehicle accidents. Whiplash occurs when a vehicle is involved in an accident with another vehicle. When a vehicle hits another one in the rear, the passengers’ bodies in the hit vehicle is caused to move forwards. Due to momentum, their head is whipped backwards. This exerts great stress on the neck region. It may even cause the neck to snap in extreme conditions.

If the condition is left unchecked, the condition could cause adverse effects on the neck region and even sometimes the spine which might lead to partial or total paralysis. The services of a chiropractor come in handy in such situations. A chiropractor is someone who uses skills and their hands to relieve the patient suffering from whiplash.

Treating Whiplash

By massaging the neck region of the patient, the chiropractor helps the neck muscles to relax. This to a great extent reduces the suffering of the patient in terms of the pain they have to endure. It also promotes healing properties in that persons’ neck region. In the event you or a friend has been involved in an accident recently, it is important to be checked by a professional for internal injuries.

This is because; most whiplash patients do not know that they have a condition. It might be weeks sometimes even months before they realize that all is not well. In many cases, by this time the condition is usually worsened and it becomes sometimes hard to treat it fully. It is therefore important to visit the hospital even if you have escaped from an accident injury-free.

There are different ways through which we as chiropractors will ensure that the patient gets well. Depending on the status of their conditions we can use tools, occupant kinematics, biomechanic of injury mechanisms among others. This are all geared to ensure that the patients attain full recovery in the shortest time possible.

Choosing A Chiropractor For Your Whiplash

When seeking chiropractic services, it is important to visit only those that  are well qualified. It is always important to note that in matters that concern the neck and the back region in general, any careless mistake could end up fatal. Therefore, it is always important for one to choose chiropractors carefully. If this seems hard, consult can always consult with your doctor.

Chiropractic Cumming GA Backsmart Health Chiropractic


Whiplash And Auto Accidents


10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288