Neck Pain & Chiropractic Care

Neck Pain

neck pain in Cumming GA

Thankfully, most people struggling with neck pain will discover chiropractic care very effective. As opposed to prescription medications, many chiropractic care techniques deal with the reason for the vast majority of neck pain, not only the particular signs and symptoms. What's even better, chiropractic care is safe, healthy, and also non-invasive... absolutely no side-effects permitted!

This is because your neck area consists of several delicate, pain sensitive structures typically subjected to misuse as well as excessive stresses. Unfinished treatment associated with previous personal injuries, bad posture, lengthy periods of sitting down, as well as insufficient regular spine alignments are among the more prevalent aspects in the continuing development of neck pain.

Neck pain is a consequence of some type of disturbance to your nervous system. Inside your neck you've got 7 bones, and between your bones nerves move out , and can come out and thus control along with organize all sorts of various functions within your body. For people with serious neck pain, this kind of discomfort could be the indicator that there's other things upsetting ones nervous system. As chiropractic professionals, our primary emphasis is to locate what is the root reason for this problem and ascertain what is the ideal approach to rectify it, eradicating the condition. Often times though in today's world, many people if they have some form of discomfort use pain-killers, and / or some type of medicine that basically enables you to lessen discomfort and also conceal the condition. Much of our primary emphasis is actually locating the troublesome reason for neck pain and thus fixing it.

If a person has got neck pain and it proceeds uncorrected during a period of time, regrettably many individuals will begin encountering additional signs and symptoms mainly because the tension from your neck manage and also coordinate a number of other important things. There exists a group of 5 nerves which actually emerge from ones neck known as the brachial plexus. These particular 5 nerves come out and into a person's arm. Therefore, in the event that neck pain should go uncorrected, and then issues consistently develop, regrettably individuals will begin to observe such things as numbness and also pins and needles running down into his or her arms, or even discomfort as well as a burning feeling going into his or her arm.

Neck Pain & Headaches

Additionally, if your neck pain should go uncorrected, essentially 95% associated with severe headaches in fact come from the neck. Therefore, if an individual has got neck pain and it should go uncorrected, it can begin to affect the actual nerves within the neck. These particular nerves in fact enter into the spinal cord and up in to the brain, which is actually where 95% of head aches originate from.

Ones neck, also known as the cervical spine, starts in the base of the skull and has 7 little vertebrae. Amazingly, your cervical spine props up the complete weight of one's head, that is typically around 12 lbs. Although the cervical spine can easily move your head in virtually every direction, this kind of overall flexibility helps make the neck extremely prone to serious pain and injuries.

In addition, if an individual has got neck pain and this proceeds uncorrected, many people regrettably are afflicted by sleep issues, as well as immune system issues in which they will become ill more frequently than they ought to. Frequently individuals begin suffering from such things as stress and anxiety as well as depression symptoms. Therefore if you’re suffering from neck pain you certainly should get in as quickly as possible so we can discover what is the correct underlying reason for the issue and what's the ideal way to rectify it.

Neck Pain & Testing

In some cases, an individual's chiropractic specialist may well obtain assessments that can assist in diagnosing your neck pain. An x-ray can display narrowed disc area, fractures, bone spurs, as well as arthritis. A computerized axial tomography scan (a CT or CAT scan) or a magnetic resonance imaging test (an MRI) can show protruding discs as well as herniations. In the event that nerve damage can be thought, your medical professional may possibly obtain a particular test called electromyography (an EMG) to help calculate how rapidly your nerves react.

For more on neck pain, visit us at Backsmart Health Chiropractic.


10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288