Sciatica Treatment Cumming GA
leg pain in Cumming GA

Sciatica And Chiropractic

Every year, this condition affects over three (3) million people in the United States. The condition, Sciatica, may cause persistent and serious nerve pains that originate in an individual`s spine, and typically extend down the back of his or her leg. And for most individuals in Cummings, the sciatica pain can be unbearable & devastating. Sometimes, the pain can make sitting or standing impossible or difficult. In case there is a person who is suffering from this condition, then this is the right place to get more details regarding sciatica and chiropractic. Just read on to know more regarding sciatica and its symptoms.

The Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is actually a longer nerve in an individual`s body. It is a bundle of 5 nerves which exit from the lumbar spine & sacral foramen. All these nerves will group together at piriformis muscle in an individual`s buttocks. This forms the one big sciatic nerve. The nerve will then travel down the back of the leg.

Sciatic nerves provide sensation and strength to the legs of the individuals. In addition, the nerve connects the spinal cord with major muscles. Any issue or impairment with the sciatic nerves will cause muscle numbness, weakness, and pain.

Conditions That Result In Sciatic Pain

Frequently misunderstood, sciatica isn't the cause of the nerve root irritation. The conditions that result in sciatic pain include:

• General wear & tear on a person`s lower spine

• Spinal stenosis (spinal canal narrowing will create pressure on the nerves)

• Piriformis syndrome (the muscle in an individual`s buttocks will become spasms or tight)

• Herniated/slipped disc (this is a common cause)

• Spondylolisthesis

Sciatic Pain & Damage: Risk Factors

As a person`s body ages, the risk of sciatic nerve problems increases because of changes that are related to the age in the spine, for instance, herniated discs & bone spurs. This is a vital reason why preventive and continuous chiropractic care is important to spinal & general health.

Also, obesity can increase the risk since the excess weight of a person can lead to some changes in the spinal. Diabetes will also increase the risk of nerve damages, and this is another critical risk factor. Some lifestyle factors like prolonged sitting and occupation may play a crucial role in sciatica development.

Sciatica And Chiropractic

Whenever possible, it is crucial to opt for a conservative treatment over invasive & drastic measures, for example, surgery. Indeed, chiropractic care & adjustments are the best alternatives for treating the symptoms and pain that is related to sciatic nerve problems. Call Backsmart Health today to book your appointment.


10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288