Severe Back Pain

Tips On Getting Around Severe Back Pain

back pain sufferers in Cumming GA

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Does it affect your daily life? Do you often avoid exercise or other activities because of your back pain? You aren't alone. Back pain is a common problem. Read on to find out if you can solve your chronic back pain now!

Realize that low back pain is common and may not need any treatment at all. Nearly everyone misses work or an important engagement due to back pain at some point during his or her life, but it is usually neither serious nor lasting. Most backaches relieve themselves in about six weeks time, and the only thing necessary is to ride them out.

Severe Back Pain - What To Do

An inversion table is a great tool for helping people with back pain. It essentially turns you upside down and reverses the force of gravity, allowing the ideal shifting of your body, weight, and proportionate back. Therefore, it can go a long way in alleviating back pain symptoms and forcing correction.

Know and accept your limits when carrying or lifting. Proper techniques are important in these regards, however, it is also in your interest to know your own strength and limitations. Ask for help when moving objects that will increase your back strain. If help is not available, find equipment that will help with moving or make smaller loads, if possible.

Be extremely careful that you do not develop immunity to any type of medication you're taking for back pain. Even anti-inflammatory pills like ibuprofen can become essentially useless if you're taking too many of them. Only take medicine when it is absolutely needed and never as a crutch or you run the risk of having medicine not work at all.

Indulge in cardiovascular activities often. Cardiovascular activities are a great help towards a healthier body, and give great conditioning to the joints and muscles, helping to prevent back pain. While there are other great exercises out there, cardiovascular workouts put much less strain on your back muscles, therefore offering an optimal exercise for those that experience back pain.

Severe Back Pain - Contributing Factors

There are many contributing factors to back pain. Sitting without back support is one of the main reasons people experience back pain. When you are sitting make sure you are in a fully vertical position with proper lumbar support. Only sit on chairs that provide support for your back and have proper cushioning.

To avoid back pain associated with lifting heavy objects, try to lift the heavy object with bended knees and carry the object close to or against your body. When you place the object down, bend your knees again. Avoid bending straight over and picking the object up with just your arms and back.

Orthopedic seat cushions and mattress covers can work miracles on back pain! Even the best chairs and mattresses are not custom designed to accommodate your body so try a specially made cushion for your favorite chair and a trusted name in orthopedic mattress covers to relieve your back pain in a quick and effortless manner!

If you are experiencing back spasms and pain, lack of sodium might be to blame. Too much salt in the diet has negative effects, but too little salt can also be a problem. Make sure your sodium intake is adequate by adding minimal amounts of sea salt to some meals. Hydration drinks, such as Gatorade, can also help.

Placing moist heat on the effected area of your back is going to help you manage your pain. This method has been used for many years and has proven to be quite helpful in the management of pain suffered in many areas of the body. Apply it directly to the skin and the tension should be reduced.

Put heat on any back spasms. Make a warm compress or get a heating pad and just relax. It can soothe the muscles and relax you. Stress can be a large part of back pain, so just laying down and trying to relax can end up doing wonders for you.

As you know, if you're a sufferer of chronic back pain, back pain can negatively impact your life and cause you to have trouble with daily activities. Now that you know what can be done to fix your back pain, you may be able to solve this and improve your quality of life.

Severe Back Pain


10:00am - 6:00pm


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288